Book is now available in paperback and e-book at Barnes & Noble and Buy now and get a free download of the motivational project, “Invincible Warrior” by Terry Milla.
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When the world doubts you and everyone around you has given up. When all of life’s challenges hit you at the same time and the adversity drops you to your knees. It’s at that moment you become a champion when you decide to keep going.
There is a Will that is inside us that never dies, that can never be broken, that wants to win and will find a way to win, no matter what happens. This Will will find a way to reach its goals, whatever obstacles may come.
You can sabotage it, hate it, conspire against it, pray for its downfall, and it will still conquer any and all adversities. Burn it and it will rise from the ashes, drown it and it will breathe underwater, cage it and it will escape, poison it and will heal itself, starve it and it will fast until it can find nourishment. This Will Will find a way, no matter what happens.